
This week in Reception:

We have had fun filled week in Reception, The children have really enjoyed taking part in ‘The Big Garden Birdwatch’. We have learnt about the different species that we will see near our homes and in our gardens.

Question of the week: How can we help the birds in the winter? It would be lovely for the children to continue their learning at home, please remember to share your pictures on Tapestry and let us know what birds you spot over the weekend. In maths this week we have been looking at different ways to make 5. We have been really impressed with how amazing the children have been at using a stem sentence to explain their learning.

Next week we will be learning about Chinese New Year, we will be finding out about ‘The Great Race’, dragon dancing and food tasting. It will be a very exciting week.🐉🐍

Our Kindness Award this week goes to Talha. Talha has been spotted by his teachers being kind and had the most tokens in his bucket. Well Done!🏆 Our ‘Reader of the week’ Award goes to Eddie-Marie! Eddie-Marie has continued to read lots at home and this evident in the progress she is making in her reading and phonics sessions. Keep up the good work and enjoy your well-deserved hot chocolate!🏅

Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gillespie & The Reception Team

Reception Curriculum