Year 5

This week in Year 5:

This week in Year 5, we visited Sharples High School for our third Earth and Space session, where we found out about the Moon’s movement and why we see different phases of the moon, Year 5 have been learning how to do long multiplication in Maths, multiplying 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. In English, we have continued our ‘Arthur and The Golden Rope’ unit by writing a character description of Author, selecting appropriate vocabulary. In History, we have explored the significance of Viking trading routes. We have also continued our Hockey unit in PE, as well as composing our own thematic melody in Music.

Home Learning Question to ask Y5 – How do planets move in our solar system? Our award winners this week included Zaid, who was given a Teamwork Tom award for some outstanding peer coaching during our English lessons! Our TTRockstars award went to Olivia for earning the most coins this week and our Reading award was given to Muhammasd-Eesaa for completing the most lessons on Reading Plus this week. Our Sharples Superstars this week with the most dojos were Summer and Ayaan. Well done! This week, Mrs Partington has spoken to the children about making sure they have the correct kit for PE. Children are required to wear black joggers/ leggings or shorts, purple school t shirt and purple PE joma top. All footwear should be trainers not astroturf or converse. Please can we ensure that on PE days children do not wear any jewellery (only stud earrings are allowed at other times) We have noticed an increasing amount of children wearing long hair down, please can we request that hair is tied back each day. It has been pleasing to see more entries in the reading record – thank you for your support.

We hope you have a lovely weekend. Mrs Tomlinson and the Year 5 team.