Our Parents’ Association is a small group of parents, along with Mrs Partington and Mrs Bradshaw, who want to be involved in the children’s school life and organise fun events and activities whilst raising funds for school. Meetings are very informal and friendly.

The money we raise goes towards buying extras for the school such as seeds and gardening equipment for our allotment, equipment for the children to use at playtime and waterproof suits for our EYFS children to wear for their outdoor learning.

For this to continue we need the support of parents to help in a variety of ways. Some people attend meetings on a regular or occasional basis whilst others offer a small amount of time or their skills to help out with an event. Do you enjoy baking? Are you green-fingered? Are you artistic? Are you full of good ideas?

We are always open to suggestions about new or existing events so please come forward and talk to any of us.

You can also email is at

Updates on meetings and events are detailed in the school newsletter so please get involved!