Home Learning

We believe that home learning plays a vital part in a child’s education and is an integral aspect of the partnership between home and school.

Every class has a programme of home learning which the children are expected to complete under parental supervision and, more importantly, with their help and encouragement. We see it as a vital part of consolidating the children’s learning. We value the regular contact with parents that results from communication about home learning. At the beginning of each term, all parents receive a letter giving the home learning schedule and the topics to be covered during the term.

The following is an agreed minimum expectation of homework throughout the school.

Year GroupDaily time allocated to home readingGeneral homework tasks
Nursery10-20 minutes•Half term holiday task
Reception10-20 minutes•Reading daily •Weekly activities to develop spelling, •Maths challenges (over half term)
Years 1 & 210-20 minutes•Reading  daily •Key learning question •Weekly Spelling and number bonds
Years 3, 4 & 5Up to 20 minutes•Reading  daily •Weekly times tables •Key learning question •Weekly spelling
Year 6Up to 20 minutes•Reading  daily •Weekly times tables •Key learning question •Weekly spelling •SAT preparation when needed