Raising achievement by involving parents and carers in the work of our school
In January 2024 Sharples Primary School was awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) in recognition of the work done to support parents and carers in engaging with the school and their child’s learning.
LPPA is a national award that provides us with a valuable framework for continuing school improvement and also gives us recognition for our commitment to working with parents and carers.
The long-term benefits of the LPPA will include (but are not limited to):
- Increased parent participation and involvement
- Enhanced parents’ support in children’s learning
- Improved communication between home and school
We were assessed in January 2024 and are delighted to have achieved the Award.
If you would like more information please go to https://www.awardplace.co.uk/award/lppa alternatively contact office@sharples-pri.bolton.sch.uk