If for any reason, we have to move to remote learning for any pupils this page outlines what the learning offer will consist of. Each day will include live daily teaching on Microsoft Teams and follow up tasks in line with the year group curriculum. The timetables for live lessons can be found below.
Work will be set in line with the Sharples curriculum, continuing from the point that was left as the school closed. Please find your daily lesson tasks on Showbie for Years 1 to 6. EYFS activities will be able to be found by using the class page buttons and will be added to Tapestry. Children may also be directed to activities that they can access on a range of learning platforms including White Rose Maths and The Oak Academy. Where children are unable to access the online learning set, for example for children with SEND, individual resource packs will be made available. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you require one of these.
Remote learning expectations:
- Children’s learning (years 1 to 6) must be uploaded to Showbie where it will be checked daily by class teachers.
- Where children do not engage in remote home learning, telephone calls will be made to parents.
- Please ensure children do not use the chat function on Microsoft Teams.
How will my child’s work and progress be assessed?
Feedback will be given on a daily basis in a number of ways:
- Teachers will check work that has been uploaded to the different platforms and provide some written comments on how well the children have done and sometimes make suggestions for improvement.
- Teachers will use dojos, virtual stickers, certificates etc. to reward children for engagement with online learning as they feel appropriate.
- Teachers may ask children to join afternoon drop-in sessions or individual or group meetings to provide verbal feedback and support as they feel necessary.
- In Y5 and Y6 teachers may give children individual feedback on tasks through the children’s channel on Microsoft Teams.
- Where digital platforms, such as TTRockstars, LBQ or Kahoot, are used feedback will be given through automatic scores and responses.
How will Sharples Primary work with me help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?
We recognise that for some children with SEND accessing remote education will require additional support and adaptations. These will be individually tailored for those children’s requirements for example in line with their EHCP or specific learning needs in a variety of ways:
- Differentiated work packs will be provided so children can work on specific objectives at their own pace.
- The SENDCO and QTVIs will ensure support is provided to families and that the children’s individual needs are being met.
- Some children with VI will receive specialist 1:1 teaching using a variety of online platforms as appropriate.
- Where children can access the main class teaching input on Microsoft Teams, teaching assistants will be available during all sessions to provide additional support.
Remote Learning Timetables.
Key Stage 2
9.30-10.45 | 10:45 – 12:15pm | 12.15-1.00 | 1.15-1.45 | 1.45 – 3:15 | |
Microsoft Teams Live lessons | 1 hour 30 mins | Microsoft Teams 30 mins | 1 hour 30 mins | ||
KS2 Daily Routine | Maths & English Lesson. Explain topic task | Follow up work & break time | Lunch time | Drop in – your teachers will be online if you need extra support | Follow up work: Topic Science R.E PSHE Music French |
Key Stage 1
9.30-10.30 | 10:30 – 12:00pm | 12.00-1.00 | 1.15-1.45 | 1.45 – 3:15 | |
Microsoft Teams Live lessons | 1 hour 30 mins | Microsoft Teams 30 mins | 1 hour and 30 mins | ||
Y2 Daily Routine | Maths & English Lesson. Explain topic task | Follow up work & break time | Lunch time | Drop in – your teachers will be online if you need extra support | Follow up work: Topic Science R.E PSHE Music French |
9.30-10.30 | 10:30 – 12:00pm | 12.00-1.00 | 1.15-1.45 | 1.45 – 3:15 | |
Microsoft Teams Live lessons | 1 hour 30 mins | Microsoft Teams 30 mins | 1 hour and 30 mins | ||
Y1 Daily Routine | Maths, English and Phonics Lesson. Explain topic task | Follow up work & break time | Lunch time | Drop in – your teachers will be online if you need extra support inc extra phonics | Follow up work: Topic Science R.E PSHE Music French |
Early Years Foundation Stage
9:30–10:00 | 10:00 – 10.45am | 10.45 – 11:15am | 11:15 – 12:15 | 12:15 – 2:15 | |
30 mins – Live Microsoft Teams | 45 mins | 30 mins – Live Microsoft Teams | 1 hour | 2 hours | |
Reception Daily Routine | Phonics Letter formation | Break time & English activity. | Maths activity and number formation | Lunch time | Follow up work Pre-Recorded story |
8:30 – 10.45am | 10.45 – 11.15 | 11.15-11.30 | |
2hr 15mins | Live Microsoft Teams | ||
Nursery Daily Routine | Learning through Play. | Maths or Letters and Sounds activity. | Pre-recorded story |
If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?
If school is open for all pupils but a child is required to self-isolate they will be provided with up to 10 days’ worth of work in the form of a paper-based pack in line with the work being completed in school. Teachers may, where appropriate, direct parents and children to a range of online platforms, such as White Rose Maths, LBQ and Oak National Academy, to support the children’s understanding and completion of the tasks set.
Well-being Activities.
In these difficult times, the well-being of our children is paramount. While you are learning remotely please choose well-being activities from one of the images below to do with your child.
Please remember to share activities that you have done with us via Teams or Twitter.