Music at Sharples Primary School

Music is a unique way of communicating that can inspire and motivate children. It gives an opportunity for personal expression and it can play an important part in the personal development of an individual.

Music reflects our culture and society and so the teaching and learning of music enables children to better understand the world they live in. Besides being a creative and enjoyable activity, music can be a highly academic and demanding subject. It is also important in helping children feel part of a community. 

At Sharples all children are given the opportunity to learn and develop their skills as musicians in all aspects of music. All children enjoy a broad music curriculum taught by our own specialist music teacher, Mrs Tomlinson. We follow Kapow’s scheme of learning to ensure clear progression in the children’s development of knowledge, skills and understanding within the national curriculum programme of study for music and the expressive arts and design aspect of the EYFS statutory framework along with the recommendations set out within the DfE’s Model Music Curriculum (MMC). Each class will learn to compose their own pieces, play a range of instruments, sing regularly and learn to use musical notation. We are lucky enough to have our own class sets of glockenspiels, keyboards, ukuleles and percussion instruments so all children can take part in regular ensemble performances. There is the chance to listen to and appreciate music from a wide variety of styles and composers from pop to classical, rhythm and blues to reggae through our termly assembly focus.


We have a wonderful choir here at Sharples Primary who practise each week and take part in regular performances throughout the year such as Bolton Music Festival, Young Voices and carol singing for the residents at local care homes at Christmas.

We are lucky enough to be able to offer our children the chance to join their very own band through our association with Rock Steady Music School. Children will learn to play an instrument or sing as part of a group taking part in regular performances throughout the year. Click on the logo above to find out more about this exciting opportunity for your child.