
This week in Nursery:

Happy New Year and welcome back to Nursery.

We have had a great first week back and have been settling back into our school routines. This half term we have Miss Ingham joining us in Nursery and the children have all given her a big welcome. We have had extra excitement with the snowfall and have taken lots of opportunities to explore the snow and ice and develop our understanding of it, including learning new scientific vocabulary. We have enjoyed making snowmen, crunching on the frozen snow and playing with the ice and snow. Out of the cold, we have been making snowy painitings and collages and mark making in the fake snow. Following the children’s interests, our new role play is a Post Office. We have been writing and posting letters and delivering parcels around Nursery. In Maths we have been subitising numbers to 3 and we are getting very good at recognising amounts of 3 without counting them. This is an important skill for future mathematical learning. In pre-phonics we have been identifying and clapping the syllables in our names.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe, Miss Hamer and the Nursery team.

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