At Sharples Primary School we believe that wearing a school uniform promotes a good attitude to schoolwork. It is generally accepted that children who look and feel smart are inclined to develop a good attitude toward their work and, therefore, do their best.
The Governors expect all pupils to wear school uniforms in school. The standard school clothing is available from Custom Kit ( ), Harrisons, Blackburn Road and Smart Clothing, Ashburner Street, Bolton. The school also holds stock of plain purple polo shirts and summer dresses that can be purchased via school office. A pre-loved uniform shop is held in school on the last Friday morning of each half term. Some items such as trousers, skirts, plain purple polo shirts and sweatshirts etc. are available from most uniform suppliers and supermarkets.
The required school uniform consists of dark grey school style trousers, a dress or skirt, a purple polo shirt, a purple sweatshirt/cardigan with the school logo or a plain purple jumper/cardigan, black shoes (not trainers, books or sandals). Y6 pupils may wear a grey leavers’ hoodie throughout their last year at Sharples Primary School. Lilac and white checked school summer dresses may be worn in warmer weather.
Hair accessories should be small and purple or black. Headscarves must be black or grey.
Children are allowed to wear non-uniform when it is their birthday or on a day nearer to their birthday if it falls on a weekend or school holiday.
Children should have suitable clothing for P.E. or games. They need a purple T-shirt, black shorts and trainers. In cold weather, a purple zipped sweatshirt and black tracksuit bottoms may be worn for outdoor PE. No PE kit should have a designer logo. Children are to come dressed in their PE kits on their PE day to reduce the number of items brought into school.
Children taking swimming lessons need swimming costumes/trunks and a towel. Children with long hair are required to wear a swimming cap.
The following are unacceptable as school wear: sports or leisure clothing, leggings, trainers, trainer boots, fashion boots, high heeled shoes with platform soles or any footwear which the staff deem to be unsafe. Jewellery, except stud sleepers in pierced ears and watches, should not be worn to school. Health and Safety Officers advise us that other types of jewellery can be a safety hazard. In PE lessons earrings need to be removed by the child for health and safety reasons. It is essential that all clothing and shoes be clearly marked with the child’s name. The school is unable to take responsibility for any loss or damage to clothing or property.