We are very proud of our provision for children with visual impairments. They are part of our school community and achieve their full potential alongside their sighted peers. Having the specialist expertise to teach children the skills they need to overcome the difficulties linked to their visual impairment ensures they are happy, and successful and go on to achieve their aspirations.
Children with a visual impairment learn to read and write using the medium which allows them to learn effectively (giant print or braille). They learn specialist IT skills so they can use the most up to date equipment. Having friends in school with similar difficulties is motivating and breaks down some of the children’s anxiety around their visual impairment.
Our Habitation Specialist comes into school to teach the mobility and independence skills the children will need to become independent young people. Our team also includes Qualified Teachers of the Visually Impaired, Specialist Teaching Assistants and a Technician to prepare adapted resources.