The children at Sharples have access to their very own iPad to use throughout the school day from Y1 to Y6, and a bank of tablets is available for use in EYFS. This enables them to take ownership for their own learning as they are able to access a wide-range of apps and internet sites to support them. We use Showbie to store learning resources and pupil work so children always have access to the tools they need. In addition, we also have banks of laptops so children can learn skills of word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software and computer based coding activities etc. This allows children to develop a broad range of skills across different platforms.

Every teaching and learning space in school has an interactive screen on which teachers display learning prompts and questions to support the pupils learning through dual coding opportunities. These boards allow teachers to clearly model concepts and expectations whilst allowing pupils to ‘see’ the learning as well as hear the teachers’ explanations.